He's made the sofa his home! I sent a bunch so you can see how big he's getting! (30 lbs on Saturday) and how well his hair is filling in. I think he's about to lose his last canine...
October 6, 2009
Doesn't Have To Fight Anymore
Posted by Pat 0 comments
July 28, 2009
I'm Getting Better and Stronger
You know what?
I'm sitting here thinking,
How the fresh air feels so good
And the sun shining on my face feels so warm,
just how good life is.
I'm the squirt in the family, but still one of the boyz!
and I'm getting some pretty good energy going. Maybe I can fly next!!
I've learned from the best on how to do a chew stick.
My Guardian Angel, Dr. Libby
Good day everyone. Off to have some sweet dreams, Dempsey
Posted by Pat 0 comments
July 14, 2009
Moving Around
and really enjoying it. I'm now in Illinois and enjoying everything life has to offer.
Posted by Pat 0 comments
July 7, 2009
I Owe You My LIfe
I'm celebrating the 4th of July in the comfort of my foster home!!
Without the tender loving care provided me from an angel, I wouldn't be here today and looking for a long and happy life.
I owe my life to,
Dr. Libby from
Creature Comforts
Lancaster, OH 43130-8819
There aren't enough puppy kisses I could possibly give you to show you how much I love you. I can and will promise that I will make you proud of me and will grow up to be a handsome and loving companion. You will always be in my heart.
Posted by Pat 0 comments
I'm OUT!!!
Thanks for all the Setter Zen everyone sent my way. I'm a believer that it works
I still need to do the normal puppy resting, but it sure is nice to do it with a family of kids around.
Posted by Pat 0 comments
June 27, 2009
Update June 27th I Can Do This. I Know I Can.
His kennel cough has developed into full blown pneumonia. Dr. Kinsel is working so hard to get him through this, but she is unsure at this point if he is going to make it through the weekend. Keep up the positive thinking and we can all hope that little Jack can find the strength to beat this nasty illness so that he can find a loving family.
Keep sending those Setter Zen's my way.
Posted by Pat 0 comments
June 26, 2009
Update June 26th
He's the little fighter making his name sake proud. He has made it through the Parvo stage, but now is dealing with pneumonia and kennel cough and is not keeping medications down. He is still fighting, so everyone continue thinking positive and hopefully this little guy will pull through.
Posted by Pat 0 comments
June 25, 2009
Update Morning of June 25th
Little JD is struggling. He is vommiting and has diarrhea- but he is still alive. With Parvo- all that can be done is supportive care, IV fluids so they don't dehydrate, IV antibiotics and anti-nausea meds. The virus will run its course and we can only hope he is strong enough to survive.
Posted by Pat 0 comments
June 24, 2009
I'm Fighting For My Life
I'm about 7 or 8 weeks old and just came into foster care with my mommy, Patsy, and as all dogs, we went to the vet for check-ups. Well, mommy has some minor issues, but I heard the vet tell my human, that I am really, really, sick. I have PARVO. I didn't know it, but they say I could go to the Bridge, way before my time. Little Dempsey he is going to stay with Dr. Kinsel until he is out of the woods. He is 10 pounds and VERY CUTE.
Now I don't know exactly what that means, but they had some really serious faces and my human had tears in her eyes. She had to leave me there and my mommy was very upset. She too, doesn't know what's going on. I WANT TO LIVE!! I want to be a puppy and play. I NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE say a prayer for me and if you can, will you help with my vetting. This isn't going to be cheap and I AM WORTH EVERY PENNY!
I just want to say, Mommy, I LOVE YOU and I WILL COME BACK TO YOU. I PROMISE. Love, Dempsey
Posted by Pat 0 comments